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The Path to a Better Me


Run for an hour. Do situps. Go swimming.

These are all things that I've been repeatedly told to do when I tell people around me that I want to become more fit and improve how I feel about my body. While these exercises might work for some people, I personally know that I would never be able to stick with any of those activities. This is mostly because I have the kind of personality where I tend to get bored of an activity very easily. This probably explains why I could never stick with a sport when I was younger. Ballet, gymnastics, cheerleading, dance, basketball, you name it. I could never stick with anything longer than a year; that is until I started taking tennis lessons during the 6th grade. I fell in love with the sport; how it never let me get bored and how there was always something new to perfect. I stuck with this sport for almost 3 years until my sister, Cassie, broke her thumb during a lesson. After that incident, my mother thought that the sport was too much for us to handle and didn't want either of us to get hurt again. So, that was the last time I was allowed to go to lessons.

I tried many different methods of exercising throughout high school. I went through a yoga phase then there was my stint with pilates. Neither of these lasted very long because the studios where I took classes at closed down after a short while. That leads us up to January 2015, when I made a goal to become a better, fitter, more confident person! I have discovered kickboxing, this is the only activity of which I've tried that keeps me interested and not bored in the least, I am drinking more water and this has massively cleared my skin up; the new workout clothes and shoes that I've picked up this month have also given me the kick in the rear that I've needed to get my butt into the gym to work with my trainer on my goal to become leaner, toner and better than ever before.

I hope this insight into my past struggles with sticking with a form of exercise has helped in some way in becoming a better, healthier you!

What are some of your favorite ways to get active? Do cute workout gear help motivate you to get into the gym?


Now on Bloglovin!!


Hello lovely people of the world!
This will be my first post of 2015!!! Yay for a late start to things! ( Hehe!)

Anyways my goals for this year,(I call them goal because it sounds a lot less cliche than resolutions), ranged anywhere from becoming a healthier person to putting more effort into my blog and YouTube channel! As of today, Monday January 26, 2015, I have made a mental pact with myself to put into action the " work on blog and beauty channel" part of my new year goals.

So here we are at our first post of 2015 and what was meant to be a post promoting my existence on Bloglovin, has become a post on what I hope to accomplish here on this blog! Now I leave you with a picture that was taken on New Year's Eve while I was visiting family on my Christmas Holiday to Indonesia. I hope everyone has had a lovely January so far and that everything only goes up from here on out!
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